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Symfony Vuejs PHP HTML / CSS MariaDB / MySQL Git Docker HTTP Full Stack


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CSS basic

How do advanced CSS techniques, such as flexbox, grid layout, and CSS custom properties, enhance responsive web design and improve the overall user experience across different devices and screen sizes?

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Vuejs basic

What are the core concepts and features of Vue.js, and how do they facilitate the creation of reactive, maintainable, and scalable front-end applications?

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MariaDB basic

What are the fundamental concepts of MariaDB, such as tables, indexes, and data types, and how do SQL commands and query optimization techniques enable efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation in a relational database management system?

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Git basic

What are the essential Git concepts and commands, such as branches, commits, and remote repositories, and how do they facilitate version control, collaboration, and efficient management of software development projects?

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Symfony medium

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PHP - Object Oriented Programmation basic

How do advanced PHP OOP concepts, such as namespaces, traits, abstract classes, and design patterns, contribute to the development of efficient, modular, and scalable applications?

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Symfony basic

What are the key components of the Symfony framework, and how do they interact to create a robust, scalable web application?

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Docker basic

What are the core concepts of Docker, such as containers, images, and Dockerfiles, and how do they streamline application development, deployment, and management in a consistent and portable manner?

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HTTP basic

What are the fundamental aspects of the HTTP protocol, including request and response structures, status codes, and common methods, and how do they facilitate communication between clients and servers in web applications?

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